Our mission at Teachers’ Wellness Lounge is to empower primary and middle school teachers to live a fulfilling and abundant life inside and outside the classroom.

Together, we help you 

overcome physical, mental and emotional challenges

manage stress, anger and anxiety

handle your finances effectively

manage your tasks efficiently

take charge of your life 

W e understand that teaching in a primary and middle school can be mentally, emotionally, and physically draining. You may find yourself becoming exhausted and irritable over small issues, questioning your worth, and wondering if something is wrong with you.

We recognize that you might feel like there’s no way out, that it only gets worse every day, and that this is just part of the job, so you should accept it. This mindset leads to a conflict between your values and your job, making you even more exhausted and frustrated.

We want you to know that you are good enough, there is nothing wrong with you and you’re not alone. There is a way out of this daunting vicious circle.  We specialize in supporting burnt-out primary and middle school teachers like you, and we’re here to help you find practical and sustainable ways to manage your stress, improve your well-being, and reignite your passion for teaching.

Our holistic approach combines yoga, mindfulness, and communication techniques that are specifically designed to address the unique challenges of teaching in a primary and middle school environment. Through our resources, you’ll learn how to:

Manage stress and anxiety effectively

Prevent burnout and maintain work-life balance

Develop communication skills to handle conflicts with students, parents, and colleagues

Improve your overall well-being through yoga and mindfulness practices

We believe that you deserve to thrive in your career and your life as a primary and middle school teacher. Let us help you find the balance and fulfillment you need to be your best self, both inside and outside the classroom.

Our holistic approach combines yoga, mindfulness, and communication techniques that are specifically designed to address the unique challenges of teaching in a primary and middle school environment. Through our resources, you’ll learn how to:

Manage stress and anxiety effectively

Prevent burnout and maintain work-life balance

Develop communication skills to handle conflicts with students, parents, and colleagues

Improve your overall well-being through yoga and mindfulness practices

We believe that you deserve to thrive in your career and your life as a primary and middle school teacher. Let us help you find the balance and fulfillment you need to be your best self, both inside and outside the classroom.

H  i, this is Ceren

Founder of Teachers’ Wellness Lounge, English teacher and yoga instructor.

I broke free from the vicious cycle of burnout as a teacher and now work with wonderful teachers who also want to overcome burnout, reignite joy, and live an abundant life to the fullest.

At Teachers’ Wellness Lounge, I help you develop sustainable and practical coping skills, work-life balance and self reclamation so that you thrive in your career and personal life, and welcome prosperity that you’ve always deserved.

Burnout to Bliss
My journey from a dead end to a joyful and abundant career and life
As a primary and middle school English teacher, I was drowning in exhaustion, frustration, and doubt. My body was constantly in pain, my mind was foggy, and my mood was short. I couldn’t seem to shake the stress and anxiety that came with the job. Even on weekends, I couldn’t escape the looming feeling of dread for the coming Monday. I found myself withdrawing from the people around me and even from the job I once loved. I felt like I was failing as a teacher and didn’t know how to turn things around.
Then I discovered yoga. It was my escape, my sanctuary, my oasis. Through my practice, I found peace and clarity that I had never experienced before. I decided to take my passion for yoga to the next level and enrolled in teacher training. Within a year, I left my full-time teaching job and pursued a new career as a self-employed yoga instructor and mala designer.
Yoga not only transformed my physical health but also my mental and emotional wellbeing. I found myself feeling more centered, focused, and energised. I knew that I had to share this gift with other teachers who were struggling like I was. That’s why I created the Teachers’ Wellness Lounge. It is an online retreat platform where teachers come together to Release – Recharge and Revive.
Today, I’m living my dream of teaching and inspiring others while also living life on my own terms. But more importantly, I’m helping fellow teachers find the same joy, peace, and abundance that I found through yoga and self-care.
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M y Mission

It’s my mission  to empower burnt-out teachers like you to prioritize your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. I show you how  to prioritize your own well-being, and ultimately, thrive in your  personal and professional life.

I believe that as teachers, we are natural caregivers. However, we cannot pour from an empty cup. Through my guidance and support, I want to help you realize that taking care of yourself  is not selfish, but rather a necessary foundation for your work and personal life.

I will walk alongside you as you navigate the challenges of burnout and offer practical tools and strategies to help you prioritize your own well-being. I want to empower you to see that you already have the skills and capabilities to manage and organize your life in a way that allows you to thrive.

I’m thrilled to offer a range of resources that will support you in prioritizing your well-being. Whether you’re looking for quick tips and inspiration in my freebies, want to dive deeper with me on my podcast, or are ready to commit to transformation through one of my programs, I’m here to guide you every step of the way. 

Let’s work together to help you feel energized, focused, and fulfilled both in and out of the classroom.

With love and light,


B efore you go…

Discover how to prioritize your well-being, manage stress, anxiety and anger, and find joy in the everyday moments with our free wellness kit.

Packed with practical tips, strategies, and tools, this kit will help you rediscover a sense of peace and balance in your life as a primary and middle school teacher. Start your journey to a healthier and more fulfilling life today.